
She has been adopted
Breed Calico
Color -
Age Baby
Gender Female
Size Medium
Coat Length -
Adoption Fee -

About Me

Affectionate, Curious, Funny, Athletic
Spayed neutered, , Shots current
Good in a home with

Contact Me

Adopt Me
My New Cat
West Lafayette, IN 47996
(765) 231-5627

My Story

These kittens are in foster care. We do meet and greets with approved applications. Fill out the application on our website www.mynewcat.org Hero aka Miss Marvel... don't let the mask fool you, she's not sad, she's a Super-Hero. Ready for the action under the lights on the grid-iron. Faster than a speeding bullet, she's high energy and prefers to grab a bite, do a zoomie, and eat another bite. She’s incredibly curious and pokes her nose into everything. Toilet seats must be left down or she’ll decide to investigate the water. She’s intrigued by sinks, shower, and bathtub and is not the least put off by getting wet. She is a definite tree dweller-so needs a house with high cat trees, wall shelves,or accessible bookshelves where she can climb and watch the world go by. She likes the hammock in the cat tree for naps—when she finally crashes. Recently she has discovered racing to beds, leaping onto the pillows and demanding love with wagging tail and loud purrs. Feisty in all the best ways she loves romping with her brother Sporto or running around carrying a ball in her mouth hoping someone will chase her. She forgets to nap but a surefire way to help her remember is to lure her onto a soft blanketed lap…within a few minutes she’s flopped on her side…then she’s sound asleep. Often she’ll choose to sleep wrapped around a sibling and she adores the older cats as well. Hero knows her name and will run to hear whoever is calling it. She is not afraid of the dog she’s met and likely would do fine with slow introductions. If she finds herself alone or not sure where her siblings are—she will meow and trill until we or a cat responds. Within a few days of being inside she needed several trips to the vet—early in the days of being handled. She’s a trooper and took all the changes, people, and hands in stride. Her left knee pops—the joint is not stable and the bones rub together. This creates an audible sound sometimes when she’s running, can be felt when being pet, or folds her legs under her. It does not create pain for her. It is possible this is a transient condition but it is also possible that it will require joint support, arthritis intervention (when she’s older), and perhaps orthopedic surgery of some kind. It is impossible to know for sure yet and the recommendation is that radiographs be repeated when she’s 1.5 years old and her growth plates have stabilized. It is certain that she doesn’t notice right now and she has the personality and grit to rise to whatever challenges may come her way. It will not slow her down. Her favorite toys are Da Bird, Cat’s Meow Spinner, balls with bells, toys of fake fur, fur balls, birds that chirp, and springs. She prefers dry food over wet and comes running when she hears it clink into the dish. She’ll climb fences or baby gates if she wants to be on the other side and she will most definitely go out an open door or window to explore. Origin story: born around Labor Day to a tiny, very smart, very sweet wild cat in a neighborhood easement. This was Doug's third known litter. We were finally able to trap her and these kittens at six weeks old. Doug has a lovely energy and an incredible mom to her previous litters—she’s a very skilled hunter. These little ones had a few health issues in the beginning, often seen in wild-born litters, but thrived very early with interventions. In the foster home, they’ve all been exposed to loud noises and especially the vacuum cleaner. Sleep in an extra large wire crate at night with a litter box (which you could continue). They've been exposed to a gentle black lab (Hero, Marcella best potential dog cats). They've been raised with two resident brothers who are almost two years old, so are being taught cat manners. Litter box trained with Smart Cat clumping litter. Have been exposed to all textures of wet food and treats. During the day they have the run of the living areas—bedrooms and bathroom Potential Kitten Combos: High Octane adventurers: Hero and Sporto Balanced energy: Marcella and Sporto, Marcella and Fey Magical partners in crime: Fey and Hero Get Outlook for iOS

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