LOL, the sweet-natured lap-cat who will make you laugh from her head to the tip of her tail!

LOL, the sweet-natured lap-cat who will make you laugh from her head to the tip of her tail!
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Color Black & White / Tuxedo
Age Adult
Gender Female
Size Medium
Coat Length -
Adoption Fee -

About Me

Companionable, Loving, Trusting, Shy, Exhibitionist, Unathletic, Soft, Undernourished
Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations up to date
Good in a home with
Children, Dogs, Cats

Contact Me

Adopt Me
Affectionate Adoptions
New York, NY 10025

My Story

Do you enjoy a good, hearty laugh? This kitty may be for you! Please meet the rescue cat with the mostest (the mostest desire to meld into your lap), Lol. If you like what you read about her below, please send (in the body of an email addressed to [email protected]) your answers to the questions asked in this section - everyone who sends in answers will receive a prompt reply (and if you are seeing this, she is still in need of a home) - thank you so much! What sort of person would be happy living with Lol (besides people with a sense of humor)? Well, first of all, someone who feels bad about her excruciating backstory, and good about adopting someone who's never known love or even attention in her life before. Her person kept her outside since birth (her person has dementia and there are still 40 other cats there we are trying to save), with no health care of any kind, so Lol's ears eventually exploded (imploded?) from having years of ear infections go untreated (so the vet tells us - that's what give her ears that shrivelled look). She wasn't given a name, even, let alone a lap, but after all her life without lap she's taken to it as a duck takes to water. She loves lap! She's shy at first, but also at first meeting all you have to do is put her on your lap and her heart is yours. (For people who want to bond and have an intimate relationship with their cats, Lol might be The One!) She would not be good for a person who would be frustrated by her initially cautious, rather timid ways. But I will go over her here head-to-tail in order to show how almost every part of her is a way she has of making you laugh! Her ears are kind of funny, but that's not a nice thing to say, so I will concentrate on the really quite lovely way she has of butting your hand with her head and nose, which she does when she wants you to pet her (which is most of the time, to be honest). She makes funny soft efforts to chat, though sometimes she doesn't add her voice to her utterances, so she's attempting to communicate with silent meows. She likes to run her mouth (from one corner of her lips all the way to the other) lingeringly over your shoes or your arm (I suppose it's a kind of kiss?) and sometimes takes a good-natured and painless chomp out of your arm or leg, if she first sees that you have clothing protecting your skin. (If you show that you don't like this behavior, she takes care to only make the gesture, without actually chomping. She doesn't want to hurt you or even make you flinch.) As you stroke her down her back, she darts her spine suddenly into your hand, as though to help you to pet her and to ask for more, showing her dep enjoyment of your touch along her super-soft fur (it wasn't soft before she was rescued, but keeping her on a good-quality diet will ensure that her fur never goes back to the poor condition it was in, so that YOU can enjoy the feel of petting her as much as she enjoys it). It's hilarious how she loves to show you her butt, raising it high so that you can stroke her back and her underbelly at the same time. You have only to start petting her along her spine for her but to raise up high. (Rearophobes, she might not be the cat for you!) I think part of why she loves to raise her butt at you is that she loves, loves, loves having her TAIL petted - unusually for cats, she likes you to run her tail through your hands over and over and over. Bliss for Lol! She never gets tired of having her tail petted (you may know that this is quite unusual for cats!). There are two whole-body ways she is a laugh riot,too. During my acquaintance with her, I was thinking that she was not very active, was rather dull, prefering to just sit on laps all day long. Then I tried the laser pointer toy with her (you can get one for $7) and I saw a side of her (all sides of her - she goes mental scampering around and up walls in pursuit of the laser light) I hadn't imagined. It's so good when somewhat older cats (she is perhaps 6 or 7 years of age) find an activity that gets them moving, and for Lol this is it! You can give her exercise with little inconvenience to herself and have laughs watching her in pursuit of the elusive. Finally, her devotion to lap-sitting can be seen in, if not a comical, an amusing, heart-warming light. If you're looking for a kitty who will sit in your lap quietly purring so that you don't have to be alone watching a looooong movie on TV or when you're facing a full day's work on your laptop, she'd be great for you! She's not overly adventurous and she's not destructive at all, so if you live in a small space like a studio apartment you don't have to worry that she'll mind that. I think that as long as you are okay with her needing some time to feel fuly trusting and comfortable in her new home,and with her new family (she takes a week or two to make friends with other kities, and is good with people and dogs), Lol will delight you and soon become one of your favorite things about your life. If interested in adoption, please send your answers to the questions below to [email protected] within the body of your email. Thank you so much! 1. What kinds of food would you feed her - dry? If so, why and what brands? Canned? If so, what brands? Raw/homemade? If not, why not? If you intend to feed her dry food, what ratio of dry to wet food would you offer and would you allow free access to the dry food, for grazing? 2. What sort of water and what type/brand of litter would she have? 3. What sort of home would she share with you (rented apartment, owned home, dorm, multi-family house, etc.) and could you say who all the humans and non-humans (if any) would live there with you and her? 4. What are your views, pro or on, on neutering/spaying? 5. What are your views, pro or con, on declawing? 6. Under what circumstances would you no longer want her to live with you as a member of your family, do you think? 7. Could you help me understand if she would be a good match for you by giving some information about yourself, please? Things it can be helpful for me to know are your job/profession/source of income, your area and institution of study (if you are a student, or a teacher), your age or approximate age, your interests/lifestyle/hobbies, and whether you've had experience before as a primary caregiver (or sitter or walker) of non-human beings such as a cat.. Thanks! 8. {Optional} If there was anything in the description or the photos of Lol that called to you or appealed to you, could you say what that is? Thank you for your time!

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