Tom Tom & Fluffy B

Tom Tom & Fluffy B
Breed Domestic Medium Hair
Color Tabby (Brown / Chocolate), Black
Age Adult
Gender Male
Size Large
Coat Length Short
Adoption Fee -

About Me

Friendly, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Brave, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Loves Kisses
Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations up to date
Good in a home with

Contact Me

Adopt Me
520 E Main St, Ste A, Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 271-7071 ext. 204

My Story

Today we’re delighted to share the story of NCC’s debut double rescue of 2024: Not only Tom-Tom, but his BFF / “baby brother” Fluffy B have arrived to meet Lotus and all the other warm hearts and kind souls at AnimalSave rescue/sanctuary! You may recall that earlier this month, AnimalSave took on Buffy, the neglected orange girl abandoned by her people when they moved away — and one of their stellar staff members loved her so much, they adopted her! The last few days have been a whirlwind of rescue at the River Colony, first focusing on longtime colony resident / superfriendly tabby boy Tom-Tom. About a year after baby tabby Tom-Tom was dumped at the colony, a black longhaired kitten was also abandoned there. The two bonded and have been close companions ever since. Last year when I took on the colony, I TNRed and vaxxed both boys along with the remaining unspayed/unneutered cats, and returned them all onsite. Though I manage the colony, trapping and transporting for spays, neuters and other essential vet care, it’s Eva, Bill and Diana, the daily feeders, who have up-close-and-personal relationships with the cats. When Eva told me recently about friendly Tom-Tom’s sweet temperament, we were worried about him enduring yet another rough winter outside. So we were all delighted when NCC President Cori contacted AnimalSave, and they agreed to take him on. Another NCC member stepped up to provide short-term fostering, so all systems were go. On Saturday afternoon, I met longtime feeder Diana onsite. She had told me that Tom-Tom often jumped into her car, so I baited a cage with tuna, placed it in the open hatch, Diana tossed in some Temptations… and sure enough, just minutes later, Tom-Tom jumped in to investigate. When I noticed a fluffy black cat trying to follow him, I shooed him away, worried that he would distract Tom-Tom, who soon strolled right into the crate — Gotcha! — and we quickly closed the door behind him. Surprisingly calm, he even rubbed his cheek against my hand through the bars. Tom-Tom was clearly ready to roll — and this rescue had come together perfectly, like a dream! I draped the crate, lugged it into my Subaru, jumped in, fastened my seatbelt and started the engine. Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw the black kitty — sitting in the middle of the road, watching us drive away. ? When I dropped Tom-Tom off at his foster’s (where he sat in her lap and purred), it started to rain and I drove home, ecstatic that after enduring so many years out in the wild, he was finally safe, warm, dry and loved. But I couldn’t stop thinking of the black cat who’d tried to hitch a ride with us, so I called Eva… and she told me the story of Fluffy B. Three years ago, like Tom-Tom before him, Fluffy B was also dumped onsite as a kitten… and had begun a close alliance with his “big brother” — good-natured Tom-Tom. Colony cats, especially those abandoned as kittens, often form deep connections with an older companion… and in my zeal to rescue Tom-Tom from the rough outdoor life, I’d scared off his BFF — breaking up a years-long partnership… and leaving Fluffy B alone and vulnerable. These twice-abandoned younger cats often leave the colony in search of their missing companions. Afraid that Fluffy B might do just that, I rushed back to find him… but the road was now slick with rain — and he was nowhere to be seen throughout the colony. Despite my relief that Tom-Tom was safe, warm, and finally out of the elements, I couldn’t stop thinking about how I’d shooed away poor Fluffy B to endure yet another night outside: cold, wet… and now alone, missing his big brother. Worried that he might go looking for Tom-Tom and never return, I knew I had to rescue him and reunite the boys ASAP. Fortunately, by Sunday afternoon the weather cleared, and Eva and Bill met me onsite. I parked the Subaru, opened the hatch… and just minutes later spotted a black blur in the distance — it was Fluffy B, galloping up to greet his human dad, who adores his colony kids — and vice versa. I drew back to hide behind some trees as Bill picked up Fluffy B, cradled him in his arms, carried him to the car, and gently deposited him in the freshly baited crate that had housed Tom-Tom the day before. As Fluffy B bent over the plate of sardines, Bill fastened the latch behind him… and our boy was finally safe! Like Tom-Tom’s, Fluffy G’s rescue was so easy, it felt like a dream — a joyous dream, with the lonely baby bro soon to be reunited with his BFF. Eva draped the crate as I ran up to the car… and there was not a dry eye among us as I promised to keep them informed of the buddies’ reunion and future. Then I drove Fluffy B to the foster’s house, where Tom-Tom welcomed him with a few eager “chirrups,” sharing his plate of wet food, and they both relaxed together in the crate, purring, chatty, and grooming each other — so happy to be reunited. As the BFFs enjoyed their first indoor evening in years — warm and together — I drove home and slept well too. This dream rescue not only reunited the boys, but opened the door to their bright new future, warming the hearts of all the humans who love and care for them. Today our winning streak hit the jackpot when Lotus returned my call, heard my plea… and instantly agreed to take both boys — today! So this morning, after applying a dose of Revolution on their necks, we secured the pair in their carriers in NCC transport ace Patti’s car… and choked back a few happy tears as we sent them off to their safe, happy future — together. Fervent thanks to all involved in this extended double success story — and our profound gratitude to Lotus and AnimalSave for welcoming Fluffy G as Tom-Tom’s plus-one on the spot — in one of NCC’s most wonderful rescues ever.

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