Meet Bean!
My name is Bean, and I was born on 10/20/2024 in Texas with my eight siblings! I am one of the 6 girls in the litter. Right now, I’m about 13 weeks old and weigh 4.2lbs. My papers say I’m a Terrier/Pit mix, but me and my siblings are a colorful bunch, so it’s anyone’s guess!
I am the runt of the litter, but that doesn’t stop me! I may be smaller than my siblings, but I’m a big girl in a small body. I can even fetch toys that are twice my size! I make myself known and believe I should always be the center of everyone’s attention at all times. Sometimes I try to cry when I’m not getting what I want but do quiet down when I figure out that doesn’t work. I’m learning to share toys and don’t like when my siblings get near my food. I’m working hard to correct those things and have been doing much better! I don’t shy away from playing rough and often instigate the rough play with my brothers and sisters. Despite my oversized personality, I really really love to be held and pet. I have mastered my “puppy dog” look and every human I’ve met finds it irresistible. I’m a very good listener; I just feel like I need to try harder to make myself known because of my size!
I’ve been busy at my foster home with all my brothers and sisters and my two foster siblings. I do great with the large, adult dogs that live here and have liked every other big dog I’ve met on walks so far. I haven’t met any cats yet, but I think I would like them too, even if they don’t appreciate my puppy curiosity. There is a 12-year-old boy that lives here; I get so excited to play with him and love every kid I have met so far! I haven’t met any really young children yet, but if you watch my excitement around them, I should be just fine.
Due to my age, I haven’t mastered walking on a leash yet. I get distracted by just about every leaf I see- which is a lot! Also due to my age, I haven’t been potty trained yet, but I do try my hardest to use my pee pads. I’ve been working to learn to sit and not use my teeth when I shouldn’t, and I will continue trying my hardest! I haven’t been completely left home alone yet, as I have my brothers and sisters with me. That may take me a little time to get used to, but I don’t think crate training will be an issue for me. I take corrections very well and should learn quickly with my new family.
I’m having so much fun and learning so much every day, but I can’t wait to meet my new family!
Our standard adoption fee is $375 cash or check and $385 credit card ($10 processing fee). . It includes spay/neuter when age appropriate at our participating vets, age appropriate core vaccinations, fecal testing, deworming, flea and tick preventative,1st vet visit at one of our participating vets, and micro-chipping.
We must have an application, conduct a phone interview, and meet your entire family to approve an adoption. Applications will not be reviewed unless fully completed. An application does not commit you to adopting and does not guarantee adoption but does allow us to begin the review process.
Please email
[email protected] for an application or additional details.
Please note that the breeds and sizes posted in this biography are educated best guesses and are not guaranteed.
Safe Haven Dog Rescue reserves the right to refuse adoption of any dog or puppy to any applicant (adopter) for any reason.
Please consider becoming a foster home while you search for your new best friend. We need foster homes - pounds are overflowing with puppies and adult dogs that are at-risk and need help. We can only rescue as many as we have foster home commitments. Fostering is a rewarding experience for your family.