Duke Dior

Duke Dior
Breed Pit Bull Terrier
Color White / Cream, Brown / Chocolate
Age Young
Gender Male
Size Small
Coat Length -
Adoption Fee -

About Me

Waiver No Kids, Blue, Good Dog Meet in Shelter, Playgroup Rockstar
Shots current
Good in a home with

Contact Me

Adopt Me
111 W. Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
(267) 385-3800

My Story

** $1,200 in pledges for the rescue that pulls ** ** New Video and Notes 3/3 ** Duke Dior ACCT-A-212947 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to behavioral concerns. Duke Dior must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER or ADOPTER by TUESDAY, MARCH 4TH by 10:00 am. Should Duke Dior's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Due to being significantly overcapacity with animals and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging an animal. Meet Duke Dior! Duke is a 6-month-old male who came in as an owner surrender on 2/9 due to the owner joining the military. This young pup is now looking for a rescue partner who can give him the decompression and training to ease his reactivity. While at the shelter, he has had reactivity when leashed and in kennel. Duke is a handsome guy who was noted by his owner to be high energy, knows "Sit" and "Stay", and loves stuffed toys. Recently, he has overcome pneumovirus and is starting to show some improvement with his behavior! Staff have noted that he would benefit from wearing a muzzle on walks as he likes to grab and chew things if left on the ground. With time and patience he solicits attention but is also content with just hanging out around you in the yard. Volunteers and staff have noted him to be a little snatchy with treats, allowed head and neck pets, and even gave some body wiggles! Duke has had success with walking on the leash in return for some tasty treats or freshpet which he thoroughly enjoys. He is also a playgroup rockstar! Due to his behavioral concerns, Duke Dior is urgently seeking placement with a rescue partner or adopter. MEDICAL NOTES: On 2/24 per exam" PCR test was taken & came back negative for pneumovirus. Placed into main kennels. On 2/15 per exam: Duke Dior has been observed to have shelter acquired upper respiratory infection (URI), or a "doggy cold". They have been started on medication, and will be monitored for resolution of the respiratory infection. PCR test was taken & came back positive for pneumovirus. Placed into ISO. BEHAVIOR NOTES: On 3/3 per staff: Duke Dior has improved so much since being able to go to playgroup! He is GREAT with other dogs to the point where he was a helper today, and also has improved so much with people! Outside, he is a happy boy that is asking for attention, and while he pulls on the leash, he is allowing all over handling and soliciting pets! On 3/3 per staff: I returned Duke Dior after playgroup. I had never had him out before. He was easy on leash and allowed all handling, including soliciting attention from another person and climbing in his lap. No issues putting back in kennel. On 3/3 per volunteer: He sat patiently waiting for me to leash him, came out with no issues, does some pulling, didn't leash bite at all, cuddled with me, but did get a little mouthy, not unexpected for a 6 month old pup. He likes chasing birds and playing fetch and tug. He might be housetrained, knows sit, and started off grabby with treats but by the end of our short time, he wasn't bad. He didn't seem toy possessive, does allow full body pets and kisses on his nose. On 2/26 per staff: Got Duke Dior out to see how he's doing since coming out of iso. He was initially very reactive to me, posturing on his bed with a stiff body, high flagging tail, growling and hard barking at me. I went to get some PPE, and came back with the leash in my hand. The second time he greeted me he was much less reactive, and greeted with neutral/semi soft eyes and mid low wags. He did a bit of leash dodging but came out once secured. He got fixated on the other dogs in his row, and when I tried to use leash pressure to keep him moving he would trash his head. Once I got him out of his row he walked better, but he grabs and tries to eat just about everything he sees on his walk. He tried to eat a green clip, but he allowed me to grab it from him and take it away. He also found a trachea soaked in kennel cleaner outside which he grabbed, and would not let me get near. He did not outright guard it, but he got very stiff and hard stared when I tried to reach for it. I didn't have any treats on me, so I just kept him walking, Eventually he dropped it and I pulled him away. In the yard he immediately sought out toys, and displayed similar behavior with his toys. He didn't outright guard, but gave hard stares and stiffened when I reached for his toys. I sat on the bench and gave him space, and he hopped up for some pets. He was very loose and wiggly at first, but then would stiffen up and give some side eye at times. When it was time to return to kennel he continued to try and grab anything he saw on his path, actually swallowing a small piece of discarded PPE that I couldn't get away from him in time. He did not fixate on dogs going back to kennel, and hopped right in. Duke Dior seems to be doing much better than when he initially arrived, but he will need lots of training to succeed. He may also benefit from walking with a muzzle, just due to the fact that he tries to eat random things on walks. On 2/17 per staff: Cleaning in G-row, I noticed the following behaviors being exhibited by "Duke Dior" Hard stare and growling in kennel, fearful. Ears back. Low submissive body posture, tail tucked. On 2/16 per volunteer: Staff asked me to take him out to check his behavior. He was such a good boy! He was scared when I approached kennel and shaking, but I dropped treats and he came right up to me. He allowed leashing easily and walked to the door of the room he's in then pancaked when we actually tried going through. Dropped some treats and I got down to his level to coax him through and he came right through the doorway. We hung out inside because it was raining- he was very loose in the office. Very polite and very treat motivated! Took pets all over and takes treats very gently and knows sit. He came to me and another volunteer to solicit pets and had no behavior issues. Sweet boy overall very gentle seems to be about a year old. No issues returning to kennel! On 2/16 per staff: Came in early to see if Duke would perhaps respond better prior to cleaning starting. Went in and gave him a treat and left, then returned w fresh pet. He is VERY food motivated! It was quiet in TTA, and I opened his kennel a few inches, and tossed in small pieces of fresh pet. he was right by the door and gobbled them up. I tried to get the leash over his head, but he backed up. I tossed in more fresh pet and while he was eating it got the leash on. I opened the door completely, and he stood still looking at the ground. I tossed some fresh pet on the ground and he came out and ate it, and we walked outside via the side door. He ignored me and we just walked around outside, he was sniffing things here and there, but mostly appeared to be owner searching. We walked into the admin hallway, he met Chanel nose to nose and while his tail didn't untuck, it was about a minute or two that they met before he decided to walk away. I walked him into the meet and greet room, he wasn't interested in me at first until I had treats. After that he would come back and check in a few times. I pet his back and head with no issue, he also at one point rested his head on my lap to wait for a treat. He can be a little snatchy with treats so feed with open hand. He licked the remaining freshpet off of my hand gently. I returned him to his kennel and he went in when I tossed a treat. he was a little spooked by the hose noise on the other side of the kennel. At no point in our 30 minute interaction did he show any aggression. Will be uploading videos as well. On 2/13 per staff: Duke Dior was brought out today for further evaluation. Upon approach in his kennel, he was initially sitting on his bed but came to the front, exhibiting growling and hard staring. When the divider was lowered, he retreated to the corner. As I attempted to leash him, he remained in the corner, displaying defensive behaviors, including growling, baring his teeth, and maintaining a hard stare. He remained reactive for leashing but I was able to lasso him with the leash. Once secured he continued to react negatively- lunging, snapping, and thrashing, while also attempting to chew through the leash. His only movement without reactive behaviors was facilitated through a treat trail, which he followed with high food drive and intense jumping toward the food. This method was used to guide him to the room. Once in the room, Duke Dior remained tense with a tucked tail and showed no interest in engaging with handlers. His focus remained solely on searching for food. He was kept on leash throughout our time, but even minor leash pressure triggered thrashing, snapping, and attempts to saw through the leash. He tolerated brief handling on his back for a few seconds but quickly moved away, hard staring and appearing uncomfortable. While Duke Dior did not display overt aggression toward handlers, he demonstrated no sociability towards people and exhibited behaviors indicative of a potential bite risk. His response to handling and leash pressure suggests significant discomfort and reactivity that should be considered when looking at placement. On 2/12 per staff: Visited Duke in kennel. he was sitting upright on his bed and began to growl at me. He then jumped on the bars and sniffed my hand through them continuing to growl and began to bare teeth at me maintaining tense body language and hard eye contact. On 2/12 per staff: I attempted to get Duke Dior out for his eval today. In his kennel he was sitting on his bed with neutral eyes and

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