My Story
Pot Belly is sweet, cuddly 4 year old bulldog mix that weighs 59 lbs. She is full grown and will not get any bigger. Pot Belly is best described as a laid back couch potato that is always happy and smiling. You'll know when she is happy because her stubby little tail will do the cutest little wiggles. She is a social butterfly when it comes to meeting new people, and loves everyone she meets immediately. She truly does not know a stranger and is loves to be affectionate with every new human she comes across. She can be a couch potato, but she also has a little explorer in her and loves to go on walks on nature trails so she can sniff around. She is always investigating new things around her and will follow her human from room to room just to see what is in there. She is the perfect "work from home" pup because she is very quiet and calm, and she is great about entertaining herself (i.e. she loves to nap). While her foster mom is working, she finds a comfy spot right next to her and snoozes away. Occasionally she will pop her head up for some ear scratches before settling back down to continue on with her nap. She is a major cuddle bug and you can always depend on her to be there when you need some snuggles. Pot Belly is deaf, but that doesn't stop her from being her confident self when she's out in the world. Her foster mom has taught her a few commands in sign language, like "sit", "wait", and "come". She is eager to learn and engage with training because she thrives on positive reinforcement and affection from her human.
Pot Belly is lower energy so she is pretty mellow majority of the time, but she does enjoy going on leisurely walks around the neighborhood and on the nature trails near her foster home. Her walks aren't so much for burning energy, but more so to fulfill her love of sniffing around and seeing the world around her. She also loves meeting new people on her walks and will always stop to let children pet her as they're passing by on their bicycles or scooters. She isn't phased at all by passing cars, kids on bikes, or other dogs walking by. She just keeps on trotting along as she's sniffing around until it's time to head back home. Her foster mom takes her on two or three 15-30 minute walks per day, then she's ready for naptime. She's not big on playing with toys, but has started playing with squishy stuffed animals when her foster mom is working. Although she doesn't require much exercise, she really enjoys mental stimulation games that involve her nose. She loves to play "hide and treat" in cardboard boxes. When her foster mom gets an Amazon package, her favorite thing to do is help pull the packing paper out and snoot around to see what's in the box. She has even started hiding her treats herself so that she can go seek them out later. Pot Belly would be perfect for an laid back family that loves cuddling and that wants a sweet, affectionate pup always by their side.
Pot Belly is dog and kid friendly. She is currently in a foster home with dogs ranging in size from x-small to large, and she coexists with them really well. For the most part, she is in her own little world and doesn't even notice the other dogs at all because she just loves her human the most. She doesn't interact with them in normal play time activities, but she's happy to share her space with them. She does not like to share her food bowl with other dogs, so feeding separately is necessary. She doesn't mind at all when her humans come near or pick up her food bowl when she's eating, and will even let you hand her pieces of food she dropped so she can finish her meal. She currently eats in her kennel or a separate room than the other dogs, and when she is done, she will cover her bowl with her blanket to signal she's ready to come out. You'll know she's done eating and ready to join everyone else because she will do happy tippy tap feet to get your attention. She does best with lower energy, respectful male dogs that are laid back just like her. When she's around the higher energy dogs in her foster home, she just walks away and finds a comfy spot out of the way when they get the zoomies. She doesn't enjoy wrestling or rougher play styles, but she loves to explore and snoot around the yard with a dog friend. She has not been tested with cats, so if there are cats in her forever home, keeping them separated and doing very slow intros is recommended. There is a chance that she will not get along with kitty friends, so being able to keep them separated with baby gates may be necessary. However, she pays no attention to the 7 lb. chihuahua or the 5 lb. foster pup in her foster home other than saying hello and walking away, so there's a chance she won't pay attention to a kitty either. She would love to have kids in her forever home to cuddle with, but in true bulldog fashion, she doesn't realize her size, so she may accidentally knock over wobbly toddlers. She takes treats so gently and has such a calm, sweet nature that it makes her perfect for a family who is looking for a laid back pup that loves to cuddle.
Pot Belly is leash trained, potty trained, and kennel trained. She currently sleeps in a kennel at night and loves to have her kennel available as her safe space when she needs a break from the higher energy dogs in her foster home. She can be trusted to be left out and isn't destructive at all besides tearing up the occasional Amazon box. If you leave an Amazon box on the ground, she doesn't care about what's inside, but she loves to play with the box itself. She would love to be able to sleep with her humans at night in her forever home, but is perfectly content going in her kennel to sleep at night. She won't chew on anything she's not supposed to around the house, but may help herself to some human food if left within her reach and unattended. She won't have an accident in the house or in her kennel, and will communicate she needs to potty by tapping her feet and grunting by the door. She's great on a leash, but gets really excited when you first walk out the door and pulls a little bit. She is easily corrected by gently pulling the leash towards you and she will stop to wait for you to finish closing the door behind you. Once she gets to walking, she has perfect leash manners.
Pot Belly's ideal home environment is a house with a fenced in backyard, but she would also do great in a townhome, condo or apartment with lots of parks and nature trails around to go on daily walks. She does well going up and down carpeted stairs in her foster home, and navigates them quite easily. She loves going on car rides, too, so she would be happy to join you while you run errands around town. She is a perfect companion for outdoor restaurants and dog-friendly stores, too. She's not the type of pup that would enjoy dog parks or doggy day care simply because she isn't interested in playing with other dogs for the most part. She would be much happier going on leisurely walks around the neighborhood or on walking trails instead for her daily exercise. She would be perfectly fine being the only dog in her forever home, but would do well with another dog similar in energy level and size, and that respects her independent style.
Pot Belly is in a foster home in Central Texas and will be transported once adopted.
If you are interested in adopting Pot Belly, please fill out an application at:
TRANSPORT: Currently we have monthly transports. It will be up to the adoptive family to meet the transport to pick up your new family member. Please be advised that our dogs are adopted to their forever families prior to being transported. Unfortunately we cannot bring dogs for a typical meet and greet situation due to the extensiveness of the transport distance and it being unfair for the dogs who are not adopted to have to make the trip back.
Please be advised that applications are reviewed in the order that they are received. To ensure we are honoring the dogs that we have committed to helping, we do have policies and procedures in place that we follow when reviewing adoption applications. LAPP Dog Rescue is ran 100% by volunteers, so please be mindful that when you submit an application that it can take a few days to be reviewed. Submitting an application is not a confirmation that the adoption will be approved/completed. Before submitting the application, please read the FULL description on PetFinder describing the dog's personality, energy level, housing requirements and our policy on meet and greets. *Applications with electric fences will not be approved for the safety of the dog*
The total cost to adopt is $530, which includes a $300 adoption fee and a $230 transport fee. The adoption fee includes all age appropriate vaccinations, spay procedure, microchip, flea/tick/heartworm prevention, dewormer, and health certificate from a licensed veterinarian.