Roy is Very handsome Blue Pit Bull. He is guessed to be about 4/5 years old. He is 60+ pounds. He is a normal size Pit Bull type, with the head and heart the size of Texas. His face will melt your heart.
He loves humans, kids, and other dogs.(Read further for more details on those things.)
He loves to be around his people and does not seem to be a runner. He respects my 4ft fence. He is crate trained, but will some times whimper about it. No food aggression, but I do feed him in his crate 2 times a day.
Roy knows how to sit, lay down and speak on command.
He loves riding in the car, even if you have to help his back end get all the way in.
His energy level is a good combination of play and sleep. He loves to play and gets really silly like a puppy. He will fully entertain himself by carrying around a toy, squeaking it nonstop until he makes sure everyone in the house knows he has a toy. Then he will lay down and mouth the toy until he falls asleep. He is a good cuddler. He will join you on the couch if you ask him. If not, he will lay on the floor by your feet or go find a comfy dog bed.
He was picked up on December 8th, 2024, after spending at least 2 days in a graveyard. Appears he was waiting on whomever dumped him to come back for him. He was missing a lot of hair, which has all grown back in now. His right back hip and leg has hardly any muscle in it compared to his left. X-rays show that he had hip surgery at one point. A surgery that is typically associated with being hit by a car. The Vet said the surgery parts look good, but most likely the owner didn't rehab him properly. She recommends pain meds, supplements, and leg therapy exercises. He is definitely benefiting from the pain meds.
Roy absolutely loves kids and seems fine with chaos and loudness in the home. However, Like all dogs should, he needs kids to respect his boundaries. We recommend a home that has kids that are old enough to understand boundaries. If you are one of those parents that believes that their kids can do whatever they want to the dog and that the dog isn't allowed to react, please do not apply. You can tell he was in home with kids before. He attaches to them quickly and wants to be where they are.
Roy has been near Cats on leash and was fine unless they run. There was a cat in his temp foster home, but the cat was mad he was there, so there was very little interaction with them. Roy did not try to eat the cat, but we still can't really lable him as cat tested and approved. If someone with a cat wants to foster/adopt him, we suggest they take things slow.
We do not recommend small breed dogs with him. He has been fine with all the large breed dogs he has been with. He was submissive meeting my 2 male pits and much larger female Dane mix. He is pretty respectful of them. He does try to get Cobalt to play with him. They play chase, But due to Cobalt being unsure of everything, they have not taken play time any further. In Roy's temp home, there was a male dog the same size as him. Roy pestered him a lot to play. They would interact, but the other dog never gave in to actually play with him.
Roy is Neutered, microchipped, and up to date on vetting.
Waverly Mo
His adoption fee is $100
Fostering is free.
I love this dog, but due to my old dog not being accepting of new dogs in the home, I need to find him an adopter soon. Eventually I will be able to foster again, but right now my old dog deserves peace..
If interested please fill out an application on our website fofanimalrescue.org
Then email to
[email protected]