Sugar Cookie

Sugar Cookie
Breed Black Mouth Cur Mix
Color -
Age Young
Gender Female
Size Medium
Coat Length -
Adoption Fee -

About Me

Spayed neutered
Good in a home with

Contact Me

Adopt Me
219 Peekstock Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49001
(269) 492-1010

My Story

Name: Sugar Cookie Breed Guess: Black Mouth Cur Mix Age: 11 months old on 12/8/24 Gender: Spayed Female Weight: 60 pounds Shelter Temperament: Shy & Playful Energy Level: Medium Children: Good Cats: Can test upon request Dogs: Meet and Greet Required Adoption fee: $350 Hi! I came all the way from Georgia with my sister and my mama. The staff at the ARP are still learning about me, but they say i’m super cute and sweet. Just look at my tail! I know I need to gain some confidence as I'm quite shy. The Animal Rescue Project ( is committed to the best possible veterinary care for the pets it rescues and it is looking for adopters who will be similarly committed. Adoptions are NOT first come, first served! We seek to choose the best fit for the approved adopter and pet. Please understand that these animals are still new to us and their needs and requirements can change at any time as we learn more about them. We will try our best to get them updated online as soon as possible. All dogs and puppies are given a general check-up when they enter our program. They receive medication to remove any intestinal parasites (worms), fleas, and ticks they may have. Dogs greater than six months of age are checked for heartworm. If heartworm positive, the Animal Rescue Project treats the disease. Dogs and pups receive all age-appropriate vaccinations for distemper, and dogs greater than four months of age are also vaccinated for rabies, in compliance with State of Michigan laws. All dogs are also microchipped. Most dogs and older puppies are spayed or neutered before adoption. In the case of puppies not old enough to be safely sterilized, a $50 deposit is required at the time of adoption and is refunded to the adopter with proof of sterilization. The Animal Rescue Project requires every adopter to establish an active relationship with a veterinarian no later than 10 days after adoption. Adopters will receive a plan for routine veterinary care at the time of adoption and are expected to work with their vet to complete the plan.

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